Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Plague inc

plague inc is a fun and deadly game were you kill all of humanity or enslave them.

first you have to choose your difficulty.

then you choose your disease.

then you modify your genetic code.

and now you play the game! First you get transmission how your plague gets around. I would advise extreme biaerosol.

symptoms how you kill them/infect  I go for the center most symptoms things like total organ failure and coma.

 and abilities all plague types have a different abilities like bacterias ability is bacterial resilience makes the plague more immune to medicines, hot, and cold or virus ability Viral Instability witch makes it more often to mutate symptoms witch is a bad and a good. good in that you can get symptoms with out buying them so you can get transmissions. the bad part is that you can kill your self off!

plague inc is a complex game with a lot of things you need to balance like if you kill 1,000,000 people a day and you infected 50,000 people a day you kill your self off and then it is game over for you

the first is the neurax worm were you are the worm that lives in the human brain and you can enslave humanity!Or kill them.

the neurax worm is different for a lot of reasons one is that you have all different symptoms, transmission and abilities. for the abilities you have an ability that makes you move a lot of your worms to a new locations.

for the transmission you have new transmission things like eggs, genetic swap witch makes it mutate
symptoms more often, and  concertina locomotion the host moves faster.

for symptoms you have all new ones things like OCD were the hosts collect worms, and hallucination.

the last plague is necro virus or the zombie virus!

a zombie virus that is a lot like the neurax worm you have all new symptoms, transmission and abilities
for the abilities you have the same hot and cold but the new things are, you have two new powers one is that you can send hordes of zombies out to kill off country so if you sent your horde to greenland and you infect them(no more greenland problems)! and reanimate off a lot of your zombies die in a country then you can reanimate them (i think it is one million of them at a time). the BIG problem is humans can find the cure and you wont louse(but it will be a lot harder to win) so the real problem is Z-COM(not my name for it they named it!)Z-COM is a group that sets up a base and KILLS all of your zombies(the only way i found to kill Z-COM is sen a lot for hordes at them like 6-12 hordes i mean it they are bad!)as the days go on Z-COM gets a new base and then another and more and more bases until you kill your self off and you die!

(there is no google/bing photos for this virus sorry but now you can try to find them for your self sorry)

 so for the symptoms you have the red ones helps the infectivity and the black helps/turns them into zombies that have things like rats 2 or peptide surge i think it makes your zombies faster.

and the transmission you have saliva witch make you infect faster then you have blood same as the blood in the bacteria 

and that is about it for plague inc I hope it was informative and enjoy!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

the walls.

The Walls is a PvP map for minecraft. The map is a large square arena with huge walls separating  the map into four sections. Forty players are divided into four teams of ten and put into each quadrant of the map. The teams gather resources and build weapons and armor. After fifteen minutes the walls vanish. to win your team have to defeat the other each section there are different layouts, team one has a pit in the middle were you can get resources (I am in team one). team two has a huge mountain and  a lot of mooshrooms. team three is in a jungle with a Massive tree and team four is in a snow and ice world with a lot of Snow Golems. And that is it for the walls this server is a lot of fun.I hope you enjoy the video.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Defenses and Upgrades

In Starcraft 2 there are three different types upgrades for all of the races. First there are abilities you can research, like the psionic storm for the High Templar; second there are specific unit stat upgrades, like pathogen glands that gives the Infestor 25 more energy; and third, there are general stat upgrades that affect multiple units, like mech weapons an upgrade that gives all mech units increased damage.

 For the defense Zerg have spore crawlers (an anti air cannon that has a detector ability to see cloaked and burrowed units) and the spine crawler and anti ground building. Terran has a missile turret same as the spore crawlers and a bunker that can hold units two marauder, 4 marines, or two reapers in it. Protoss has one building the photon cannon a spore crawlers and a spine crawler combined (all of the defenses needs a building to be able to build them) and that is it on the tutorials I hope this is useful for your game play.